Virgin sissy’s useless minutedick.

Virgin sissy’s useless minutedick.
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Please rate my untouched shrimp. Altough it will never feel the inside of a womans body, it has the quality to make her laugh. Even my best friend laughed while she was calling it a shriveled up, little worm, when she saw it for the first time, as some of her friends did too when she forced me to get off my pants at a party.

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3 responses to “Virgin sissy’s useless minutedick.”

  1. Francismyers Avatar

    I would love for me and him to be naked together

  2. Michael Avatar

    A perfect example of a micro penis! A micro penis must be as small as possible and barely visible. It is not intended to be used for intercourse and even masturbation is extremely awkward. Testosterone levels are usually to low for either one. Most micro penis owners get satisfaction from knowing that they have something very special and are proud of it. Have your friend spread the word and you will realize how much interest your micro penis will stir. No guy with a four inch dick will ever get that attention. Teasing them with your micro penis will be very rewarding for you and them and far better than any type of sex. Choosing whom to show gives you a certain amount of power but at the end your tiny secret must be revealed. Good luck!

  3. spv Avatar

    i am a virgin too, can you talk more to your friend, she may feel sympathy for you and indulge your sph fetish more. i cant see you getting a sympathy fuck as i am not sure you are capable.

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