Welcome to rate my tiny penis. As any Woman with standards will tell you, penis size matters! If you want to please a woman (and let’s be honest, what straight male doesn’t?) then you gotta have the right tool to get the job done. If your cock doesn’t measure up, then you’re just going to get laughed out of the bedroom the second you drop trow.
But how can you tell if you have what it takes? I mean, you COULD go by the national average for penis size (5.1 inches). But let’s be honest, who wants to have ‘average’ sex? Is average really enough for most Women? It’s not enough for Me, I’ll tell you that!
This website was designed to give males a place to post their penis pictures and have them rated, berated, and humiliated by Mistresses and women across the globe. The rating system is simple – if it’s a big dick, rate it 5, if it’s a tiny micropenis pindick, rate it 1. It’s important to have feedback, right?
Once you have submitted your tiny dick picture, the submitted picture becomes the property of ratemytinypenis.com