Tell me how small I am

Tell me how small I am
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One response to “Tell me how small I am”

  1. Master Mark Avatar
    Master Mark

    I love these fat ass dudes sending in pics of their soft dicks and then demanding we make fun of them. I want to see these faggots hard and I want more body. I want to see how fat and gross these guys are. Give me more to judge and make fun of. Let’s see your fat rolls over that tiny dick. Let’s see your flabby tits. Either way it’s gonna be gross, I’d rather be more entertained by these losers, wouldn’t you mistress? Maybe you could set a new rule that they must show 70% or more of their disgusting bodies in order to be posted and they must be hard! Would love that. This guy is clearly foul though. Probably hard to wash that little pecker the way it folds in on itself. Ew!

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