Please humiliate me for having such a tiny penis…

Please humiliate me for having such a tiny penis…
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My mistress keeps me locked in tight chastity 24/7. She always applies plenty of lidocaine before she opens the cage for cleaning, so my penis is basically never hard.

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12 responses to “Please humiliate me for having such a tiny penis…”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    Sounds like you have a great and smart Mistress! I love the idea of using lidocaine on pindicks like yours so that they can NEVER feel the sensation of being free! And honestly, yours deserves to be caged and never feel any pleasure! Look how tiny your dick is! you’re not even MEASURING it correctly! The tape measure should be measuring the shaft only. Balls don’t count since you can’t penetrate anyone with them. Not that you’d EVER be given the privilege of penetrating anything other than your CAGE LOL!

    1. Yssis Avatar

      My mistress decided to punish me for not correctly measuring my tiny dick. She locked my clitty into a new tiny metal cage and told me, that she would not unlock me until the end of the year.

  2. SuperiorFemale Avatar

    Wow… How pathetic… Your penis is so fucking tiny!

    1. Yssis Avatar

      Yes ma’am… Thank you… I deserve to be mocked and humiliated for having such a pathetically small penis…

  3. Thomas Avatar

    Wish I had a mistress:(

  4. Iliketohumiliateyou Avatar

    Oh Sissy how embarrassing… You have such a tiny penis… I bet every woman who sees it starts laughing at you, right? Tell me, how does it make you feel when you get laughed at, for having such a miniscule penis?

  5. Yssis Avatar

    You are so right… girls just laugh at me when they see my soft clitty :((
    It makes me feel so weak and degraded… I get so aroused by the humiliation for having such a tiny penis

  6. Lolyourtiny Avatar

    Oh my god, that’s hilarious 🤣

  7. Janduniko Avatar

    That tiny penis truly deserves to be humiliated! Are there any females in your life loser? If yes, you have to tell them about your lack of size beta boy… Any woman deserves to know about your tiny penis!

  8. Martin Avatar

    I posted this over 2 years ago.
    I feel very ashamed because my dicklette was feautured in the hall of shame 3 times in that time. In october 2020, in december 2021 and in february 2022.

  9. Karsten Avatar

    My locked dick is bigger than your shrimp.


  10. D.W. Avatar

    Even my huge alpha male cock is bigger than your cage stuffer. Perhaps your mistress should treat herself to a footlong hot dog while you’re locked up and watching her with my meat between her buns. When I’m ready to shoot my load like a Super Soaker, you’ll open wide and swallow every drop.

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