My tiny dick

My tiny dick
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6 responses to “My tiny dick”

  1. Vishpala Avatar

    I don’t think much, except “Well there’s a limp, scraggy little thing. I bet this loser wanks with two fingers.”

  2. Laughing At You Avatar
    Laughing At You

    Oh my god!!! Why have you gone to the effort of shaving this tiny little effort?

    Surely shaving around your public hair is supposed to make your penis look bigger? Well let me tell you …… nothing will make that pathetic little maggot look bigger except for a magnifying glass!!!

    You are a massive loser with a tiny penis!!

  3. Jacaline Avatar


  4. Chloe Avatar

    Hahahaha! Ohh my goodness you actually shaved down there and tried as hard as you could to get a good angle with the camera shot… no amount of visual effects are gonna help your dick look bigger. It doesnt even hang lower than your balls! Thats how pathetic it is!

  5. Cassie Avatar

    Breathing in will not make that little worm look bigger. You sad like loser

  6. Bill Avatar

    Nice tiny penis I’d like to suck it

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