Im Horny So Rate my Dick

Im Horny So Rate my Dick
Rate this tiny dick here!
[Total votes: 14 Average: 2.6]

Please rate my dick quick time im horny

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4 responses to “Im Horny So Rate my Dick”

  1. Jacaline Avatar

    Who cares if you’re horny? The only horniness that counts is mine.

  2. Laughing At You Avatar
    Laughing At You

    Your erection is so small I’m surprised you are even able to pleasure yourself using that.

    Horrid, tiny, toothpick looking dicklet

  3. Cassie Avatar

    Is your name Justin? Its even too small to jerk off properly. So small you probably piss all over your fingers when you go to the toilet.

  4. Dickletshamer Avatar

    Nice head. Shame it’s stuck in a silly little stub of a shaft.

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