Humiliatrix Lisa’s tiny ‘buffymem’

Humiliatrix Lisa’s tiny ‘buffymem’
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[Total votes: 26 Average: 2.8]

Dommes are REALLY enjoying outing their tiny dicked slaves here at rate my tiny penis, and Humiliatrix Lisa is no exception! Rate ‘buffymem’s’ pindick, and then head over to check out the special, wicked brand of humiliation that @HumiliatrixLisa has to offer!

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6 responses to “Humiliatrix Lisa’s tiny ‘buffymem’”

  1. Cassie Avatar

    What the fuck is that? Its like a turtle poking its head from the shell. Except not cute or interestin. Just a lame dick you loser

  2. Jacaline Avatar

    He takes off his pants to reveal that, that’s when you know the evening is going to end in disappointment.
    Mini peewee time!

    1. Cassie Avatar

      He better be good with his tongue

  3. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    Awe, look, it’s hiding xD

  4. Wetone1 Avatar

    I think it sweet

  5. Bill Avatar

    Cute tiny penis I’d like to suck it

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