Fully erect – Think I can please a woman?

Fully erect – Think I can please a woman?

Bob Smith


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Fully erect – Think I can please a woman?

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6 responses to “Fully erect – Think I can please a woman?”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    If that’s “fully erect,” then you got some problems, bro, not the least of which is being a virgin the rest of your life LOL!

  2. PooperTrooper Avatar

    If by women you mean your mom then probably not

  3. Bill Avatar

    Cute tiny penis I’d like to suck

  4. Layton Goff Avatar
    Layton Goff

    Damn that’s a really little dick you have

  5. Pete Avatar

    I dream of waking up with that in my mouth. Wish we could meet

  6. siegfried Avatar

    i think my cock isn’t longer either, it’s stiff and 4 inches short.

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