Fat man tiny penis

Fat man tiny penis
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I’m small

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7 responses to “Fat man tiny penis”

  1. Jacaline Avatar

    Lose pounds,gain inches. In your case that will be more inches of ugly peepee.

  2. Laughing At You Avatar
    Laughing At You

    I’ve never seen someone who was so fat that their testicles were completely swallowed by fat.

    Congratulations, you’re a pathetic, ugly, small dick wank stain.

  3. Cassie Avatar

    Another salad dodger with a tiny cock. What is it with you losers?

  4. Vishpala Avatar

    Eww. Fancy having that lying on top of you, poking away with its stubby little worm!? I hope you like wanking, because that thing is never going to see a real woman,

  5. Empress Hana Avatar

    Underwhelming at best.

  6. James Avatar

    You’re a fat, disgusting loser. No woman would want you. I’m sure you’re pussy free forever.

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