Exposed for being a small dick loser

Exposed for being a small dick loser
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I have a very small and skinny penis and I am a premature ejaculator.
Also, I’ve always had problems with getting it up and I usually stay soft and limp when I masturbate. I masturbate with two fingers only and it only takes a few strokes for me to reach orgasm.

I tried to have sex twice. The first time I couldn’t get it up and she gave up on me. The second time I managed to get it just hard enough for penetration but the moment my dick entered her pussy, I instantly came.

I am a pathetic excuse of a man…

I will stay pussyfree for life…

I deserve to be laughed at and to be humiliated…

I need to be exposed for having such a tiny penis…

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8 responses to “Exposed for being a small dick loser”

  1. Gabor Avatar

    Amazing…we could be twins, tiny dick, stroke with 2 fingers, cum while semi-limp and a severe premature ejaculator. Been pussy free for 5 years. Grown to love being a hopeless, beta premature loser.

  2. Chantal Avatar

    Did you really post your full name, age, email adress and your phone number or did you just made it all up???

  3. Chantal Avatar

    Your penis is fucking tiny!!
    And your not even able to get hard?! Seriously?! That is fucking pathetic!!
    And to top it all of, you are also a useless minute man that cums way too early…
    You should lock your useless dicklette into permanent chastity…

  4. Martin Goriup Avatar
    Martin Goriup

    Hello Gabor & Chantal, thank you for your comments.

    @Gabor: If you want to share some embarrassing small penis stories, fell free to write me an email… I am pussyfree for 6 years now…

    @Chantal: Yes, I really did post my real name, age, email and phonenumber, as I deserve to be exposed for my tiny penis… It is too short and way too skinny for any woman to enjoy… And even if one would try, I woudn’t even be able to penetrate her, as my dicklette never even gets hard anymore anyway…

  5. Martin Avatar

    You really do have a tiny penis Martin! How small is it exactly? I’m guessing 4 inches in length and even less than 4 in girth? Tell me, the women you tried to have sex with, what was their initial reaction when they saw your penis? And how did they react to your embarrassing failures?

  6. Mike Avatar

    this is weird

  7. MistressKiara Avatar

    Let’s HOPE you stay pussy free for life! No one wants to be menaced with a dick that small!

    1. Martin Avatar

      I have recieved dozens of humiliating messages and emails from strangers. Last week I got another email but this time, the stranger didnt humiliate me but rather he told me that he will expose me. He told me that he knows where I work and that he will send this post to my collegues… Yesterday, he sent me another email with some screenshots he took and he actually did it! He sent emails with the link to this post to all of my female coworkers… 2 of them already texted me. One asked me if I know anything about an email she recieved about me. The other one sent me the link and asked me if this is some kind of joke or something.

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