Embarrassing Small Cock Lost a Bet

Embarrassing Small Cock Lost a Bet



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So I was with a few friends (4 of us total) and we started to talk about penis size. I was immediately terrified where it was going but had a few drinks in me. We were wondering who was the biggest and the smallest and decided we have to prove it. The biggest (5 in soft) gets drinks paid for 1 month and the smallest has to post a pic here asking everyone to humiliate me. That was me (2.5 inches soft). Be as brutal as you want.

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4 responses to “Embarrassing Small Cock Lost a Bet”

  1. Sven Avatar

    Sad dick dude. Next time just tell them you have a clitty and can’t match their real man cocks.

  2. D.W. Avatar

    With a sexy looking body like that, some would expect you to have an average sized penis or above. I’d have been disappointed if you showed me your Thumbelina sized package and tried comparing it to my cock when it’s over 6 inches soft. You know what they say about a guy who has muscles. Some (not all of them) are saying “please don’t look at my miniscule equipment.” I’d be surprised if you can piss standing up with that thing in a public bathroom without missing. It’s a toilet, not a pussy which you’ve probably never seen in your entire life.

  3. J D Avatar
    J D

    Damn man, it’s really small. That’s hard when you’re clearly an attractive guy. Truth is out now and all your mates will be widely sharing it. You can expect everyone you know has now seen it and been told it if you. Good luck, small guy

  4. E. Avatar

    Omg I think it’s so hot… it kinda looks like a pic from Google but I love his body and his cock is perfect, I really need that!!!

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