All balls tiny penis

All balls tiny penis

Michael Cordero


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I wasnt well endowed to begin with and after a year of having fun with ball weights, my balls quite suddenly decided to not come back up to normal length anymore.

Now whenever its even slightly warm I look like this and I was looking for brutal honest feedback.

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3 responses to “All balls tiny penis”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    LMAO omg that’s so fucking hilarious! WTF, did you think stretching your balls would make your tiny dick look BIGGER somehow? Got news for you, bitch, there’s NO way you can make a pathetic little stub like that look anything but tiny. And now your gross, saggy balls just make it look even worse!

  2. Michael Cordero Avatar
    Michael Cordero

    To make matters worse I now have a dom making me wear a flat chastity cage for a minimum of 8 hours per day. After around 3 weeks I already lost about 1/8th of an inch of erect length. I was told it’s possible to lose up to 2.5 inches over the course of a year or more. This would leave me with barley 3 inches hard if not less.

    Since my package is already so amusing to people I was reminded that it’s going to continue being “improved” for it’s newfound purpose

  3. E. Avatar

    Honestly I like it, the balls are really hot

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