Wanna be sissy with fully erect tiny penis!

Wanna be sissy with fully erect tiny penis!
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I love my girlfriend dressing me up and laughing at my tiny cock.  Even better when she tells all her friends! Please abuse me x

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4 responses to “Wanna be sissy with fully erect tiny penis!”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    I hope that some of those friends are well-hung guys who can fuck her the way she deserves to be fucked! Because let’s be honest, your little nipple dick will NEVER be able to give her the pleasure she craves…

  2. Damian Avatar

    Yes Mistress you are right, I can never satisfy her, she deserves better!

  3. Master mark Avatar
    Master mark

    Lock it up! Lock it up! Haha, where are your ovaries sissy? You don’t even have those? You obviously can’t pass as a man, you can’t even pass as a woman! You’re just an IT with nothing in between its legs. Someone should take your little skin tag you call a dick, chop it off and roast it for your dinner. I’d make you eat that disgusting little worm! Gross!! Let’s see more, maybe of your slut lips in nice pink lipstick you fuckin bitch

  4. Damian Avatar

    Thank you master, you are right, I would love to be your bitch in pink lipstick

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