Do I belong in a skirt?

Do I belong in a skirt?
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Becoming a sissy was inevitable. My tiny penis is useless and unable to please anyone.

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3 responses to “Do I belong in a skirt?”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    Yes, a dick that tiny belongs in a skirt but I also think it belongs in chastity. It can’t bring enjoyment to anyone, so why should you get to enjoy it?

    1. Mark Anthony Avatar
      Mark Anthony

      I disagree. She should jerk off while her lover gets fucked by a well hung bull. And I say yes! You do belong in a skirt

  2. D.W. Avatar

    Yes, you belong in a skirt while a well endowed bull like me has his way with you. However, I want your clit sized dick in chastity while I make you my slave in order to get the keys.

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