My useless virgin tiny dick

My useless virgin tiny dick
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Im virgin, please laught at my useless tiny dick, i deserve to be humiliate for my useless tiny ugly dick.

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18 responses to “My useless virgin tiny dick”

  1. KarenB Avatar

    Are you serious! Pathetic loser who has to write a load of shit on his body to make us look at his teeny weeny shrivelled cock! Unless they are tattoos….if so, little bit of kudos…if not OMG careful how you rub “LOSER” off your cock you might erode it and make it even smaller! Do you have testicles or is that an empty sack….certainly aren’t plump and tempting. Let’s be honest…a lot of guys who post here have pathetic cocks but plump and juicy balls….you have nothing going for you!

    1. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
      Ugly virgin dick

      I’m on my knees right now writing this because I must thank you for taking your precious time on this pathetic loser.I humbly bow to you Mistress KarenB. You’re right my testicles are useless they only serve as a practice target to get hit.
      Thankiu so much for you kind words Mistress KarenB.

      1. KarenB Avatar

        On your knees is definitely where you should be when you address me, you pathetic specimen of a micro cocked virgin! Given your obvious lack of a viable penis and a limp worthless pair of balls I am disappointed with the nature of your expression of gratitude. I would expect, no, make that require, something far more grovelling given your abomination of a cock! Care to try again?

  2. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
    Ugly virgin dick

    This loser with micro penis apologizes for his lack of gratitude towards you Mistress Karenb. I am a virgin loser with an ugly penis and empty testicles that are useless, no one would ever want to see this pathetic excuse of penis and testicles that is why I wanted to expose them so that people can laugh at them and humilliate because this waste of a penis deserves all humiliation. It makes me happy that a goddess like You have dedicated your precious time and a few words to this abomination of a penis that no woman will ever want.

    1. KarenB Avatar

      Better! Now what I want from you is a poem. I love poetry! I want you to write some words especially for me. I want you to spend time in thought and reflection on my disgust for your genitalia! I want you to express in verse how much you appreciate my revulsion for your pathetic cock and balls and how much you want to make me continue to humiliate you! It will be cathartic for you and there may even be the slightest chance I will respond positively to your words…..but I expect it is more likely it will only amplify my derision for your Ugly Virgin Dick!

      1. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
        Ugly virgin dick

        I have an useless ugly tiny dick//no much bigger than a lipstick//¡Oh no its an abomination!//Thats why i seek humiliation//In my search i find a true goddess//must bow before her magnificent presence//her words only speak truth//and she see me with dissaprove//she start to talk//OMG those balls are empty flesh sack//You really have a abomination of a cock, of course//she laught without remorse//In that moment i knew//I must droop to my knees//And start to beg//To kept me as a pet//And pray to her//Thankiu Goddess Karen please humiliate me some more.

  3. KarenB Avatar

    Good Boy! You wrote me one. That effort is positive evidence you are appreciative of my disgust at your tiny manhood and the shrivelled sacks which purport to hold your testicles! A couple of things bother me. The likening of your cock to a lipstick implies some deep seated belief that someone (certainly not me!) might touch that thing with their lips. You need to eradicate that thought, however subliminal. IT IS JUST WRONG! I gag at the sight of your cock! You are quite presumptive to say “To kept me as a pet”. Your cock and balls challenge my sensibilities. You have significantly more effort to put in yet before you achieve the status of Mistress KarenB’s “pet”…one day with enough effort I may grant you that status despite your abomination of a cock! To be clear, we are talking months of humiliation not days before I could even consider letting you refer to yourself as my pet! What I want now is a poem about your sense of humiliation. Less about me and my opinion. I want to enjoy your sense of humiliation to the full you shrivel cocked inadequate!

    1. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
      Ugly virgin dick

      I have an ugly tiny clitty//thats why i never loose my virginity//my balls are empty sack//only deserve to be smack//one day show my pathethic cock//and everyone around start to puke//what a disgreful piece of flesh//And it doesn’t even work that uselessness//the only way to get hard this abomination//it is through humiliation//what a shitty useless cock i have//Is only trash//If i want to loose my virginity//i must offer my ass with humility//bend over, face down, ass up//This is the only way that I get to fuck.// I hope you like it Goddess KarenB.

      1. KarenB Avatar

        I have chosen to ignore you to put down a marker!
        I might comment on your latest, undoubtedly, feeble effort.
        You need to understand that if you are to ever be my pet!
        Then you must be prepared to wait for my attention….days, weeks,…maybe even months!
        The wait, every day, every hour….checking for a message, a glimmer of my attention.
        You have to accept the pain of my denying you my attention.
        Can you accept that! It brings you closer to my requirement of you?
        Your agony at my denial of attention feeds my power over you!

        1. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
          Ugly virgin dick

          Yes, my goddess, you are right, these days I have only been checking the page for you and it hurt me to see how you ignored me, but seeing your message today made me happy and excited like a dog to see his master back. I will wait my goddess if those are your orders I will keep checking the page until you come back to train me to be your pet.

          1. KarenB Avatar

            Good answer, my pathetic cocked, empty sacked, loser apprentice! I will critique your latest verse harshly very soon! You have shown a glimmer of your true potential. I may soon permit you to refer yourself as my underling. That is the coldest of subordinate relationship I can confer on you. As my underling you exist, but I will still despise you with every fibre of my being! I will loathe your shrivelled cock and balls like they are the excrement of the most hideous demon to visit this earth! Aspire and serve to reach the position of pet in due course….then I may even use the term “affection” in the same sentence as your name! Imagine that in your wildest dreams…..then you will be in paradise!!

  4. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
    Ugly virgin dick

    Thank you very much my goddess KarenB for giving this abomination of a thing this great opportunity. I will not fail you.
    I will work hard to become your pet.

    1. KarenB Avatar

      You need to be patient! You need to suffer pain and anguish…so much! It is your calling! You need to toss and turn in your sleep….maybe I will decide you are no longer worthy of the little attention I give you! I want to feed on your despair…you pathetic cocked empty ball sacked obscenity!! Beg on your knees you total shit!!

      1. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
        Ugly virgin dick

        please my goddess don’t leave me, this piece of shit is nothing without you, you are the only good thing in my life please, I will wait like a good puppy for your return but please don’t leave me this piece of shit will do what you want, please my goddes KarenB

  5. KarenB Avatar

    7 days….enough to make you twist and turn….has she forsaken me! NO! Just want to emphasise that I call the shots you totally pathetic abomination of a man! You shrivelled dicked piece of total crap!! Ha, ha! Bend over and dream of me fucking your ass with a 10 inch strap-on….in and out, faster and faster until you cum all over yourself and I laugh my head off at your inadequate dribbling cum…..what a total fucking loser!

    1. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
      Ugly virgin dick

      My Goddess, I’ve missed you so much, you were right, I’ve become addicted to you.
      Thanks for letting me fantasize about you fucking my man pussy this piece of shit knows he doesn’t deserve it. I hope one day after so much training you will allow me to present my man’s pussy to you so I can be fucked by that 10 inch strap on. I bow to you my goddess I will serve you forever.

      1. KarenB Avatar

        I am very disappointed! You seem to have taken a long time to respond to my last message! You pathetic micro cocked empty sacked piece of inferior manhood! I expect more of you…..minutes not hours when I decide to communicate with you….day and night…sleep is for men who are not worthy of my disdain! I expect better of a potential subordinate…..I (god forbid, is it a nightmare!) think of you in my dreams you must sense it and react!

  6. Ugly virgin dick Avatar
    Ugly virgin dick

    oh my goddess. I’m so sorry this piece of shit is really sorry, I’m on the ground begging for your forgiveness my goddess please punish this fucking loser please my goddess this piece of shit will do anything to beg your forgiveness.

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