Embarrasingly tiny!

Embarrasingly tiny!
Rate this tiny dick here!
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Lately, while wearing panties all day, my penis has begun to get smaller.  Now it looks like this when I am soft. Please rate me with brutal honesty ladies.

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3 responses to “Embarrasingly tiny!”

  1. Bill Avatar

    Nice tiny penis I’d suck on it

  2. Michael Avatar

    “Embarrasingly tiny”? Why? It’s not embarrassing (any more) to have a micro penis. There are so many guys having similar members that most of them are proud and wouldn’t want to miss it. In fact some of them brag about their smallness and enjoy being compared to others. An ideal micro penis must be as small as possible (below half an inch) or invisible/hidden. Yours is a perfect example and if you found a way to make it even smaller, please go ahead it can’t be too small. But don’t talk about being soft because micro penises are hard to arouse (if possible at all) and masturbating a fraction of an inch is an endless task. Be proud of it as it is (or smaller)!

  3. alex k Avatar
    alex k

    id like to lick lick lick it and see if i can convince that little animal to leave its cave…

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