Yes, I’m a micro manager

Yes, I’m a micro manager
Rate this tiny dick here!
[Total votes: 1 Average: 5]

Sure, sometimes it pops out and it grows (a bit)… but all too often I try to change underwear at the gym, and this is what pops out (or doesn’t) – see pic. Does this happen to every guy? I don’t see other guys in the gym looking like this. Please give me a rating and let me know.

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5 responses to “Yes, I’m a micro manager”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    Honestly, there needs to be a lower-than-one rating for micripenis bitches like you.

  2. Michael Avatar

    There isn’t too much to manage as we all can see! But it’s a very cute micro penis which you should be proud of. You can make other men happy about their penis size and that should give you satisfaction when showing it off at the gym.

  3. Brian Avatar

    That’s definitely a tiny set you got there. It’s important to feel comfortable being yourself though, once you get through the embarrassment it will be lots of fun to show off the bits.

  4. ben Avatar

    so sweet, perfect little man nub… love to see some more, clearer pictures

  5. sissy alice Avatar
    sissy alice

    super pretty sissy clitty. (Swoon) I just want to play with it!!

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