To small?

To small?
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Is this to small?

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7 responses to “To small?”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    It’s too small to even be SEEN! Seriously, all I see is a cavern created by foreskin…

  2. Mick Avatar

    Where’s your dick ? Haha

  3. Sid Avatar

    Oh wow… That’s non-existent. Please tell me it grows to be like 12 inches when hard..

  4. Elle Avatar

    Your foreskin has created a little vagina on your balls. That is horrid haha

  5. Sam Avatar

    That’s fucking hot!! You have a clitoral hood, you can almost see the little clit in there. Love the huge hanging labia. Duck me daddy

  6. Bill Avatar

    What a tiny little worthless penis a little clit I’d love to suck it

  7. Michael Avatar

    No it’s not too small! This is a typical micro penis which must be small by definition. In fact the smaller the better. If it’s barely visible like in your case it’s perfect. However, as others pointed out, your balls are far too large and oversized for someone with a micro penis. Plus micro penises look much better when cleanly shaved. Nevertheless be proud of your micro penis it’s a good contrast to all the monster dicks seen all over.

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