My useless penis

My useless penis



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[Total votes: 27 Average: 1.6]

This is my useless little penis. It has never entered a woman and probably never will.

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5 responses to “My useless penis”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    There is no ‘probably.’ That little bump wouldn’t get past Her labia! Useless dick indeed!

  2. Jacaline Avatar

    Maybe it would be best for you to go into a monastery, become a monk and forget about sex. I guess with such a tiny peepee, sex is just not something for you.

  3. Laura Avatar

    Dick n balls purple from the bag of ice?

    1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

      Probably from wanking to Dommes too much lol.

  4. Ana Avatar

    How can i rate zero? :z

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