My GF broke up with me finally for my lack of a penis

My GF broke up with me finally for my lack of a penis

Bitch Clitty


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I’ve been posting here for a while now complaining about how my GF says my Clitty dicklette can’t satisfy women. Well it happened. I came home from work and she made dinner like things were normal and point blank said Your clit is too small, this is over. Idk whether to be happy to wear panties or sad to make a woman leave. My Clitty has been limp and shriveled ever since it happened, how small is my penis really though?

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3 responses to “My GF broke up with me finally for my lack of a penis”

  1. MistressKate Avatar

    Good for her! This “dick” doesn’t belong anywhere near women. Get used to a long life of serving REAL men!

  2. D.W. Avatar

    Seeing as how it’s limp and shriveled, I can’t give you an accurate assessment of whether I think that your penis is average or small. For all I know, it could be a grower and not a shower. Next time, try posting a pic of it with an erection.

  3. MistressKiara Avatar

    I’m SO glad your wife finally decided to move on! That little nub of a dick couldn’t please anyone! Get your pathetic, tiny little cock in chastity and/or panties ASAP~!

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