I have quite possibly one of the smallest dicks in the world!

I have quite possibly one of the smallest dicks in the world!



Rate this tiny dick here!
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Please rate my tiny micro dick and let me know if I have one of the smallest dicks in the world.

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6 responses to “I have quite possibly one of the smallest dicks in the world!”

  1. D.W. Avatar

    I won’t even argue the point here. Looks like a tiny little volcano. I’d be shocked if it ever erupted. However, your hairless body is sexy!

  2. MistressKiara Avatar

    LMAO yeah you’re definitely up in the running for tiniest dick in the world! But how could we even measure such a thing? How could I judge a contest like ‘World’s smallest cock’? you’d all need to be circumcised in order to make room for the tape measurer!

    1. John Greenman Avatar
      John Greenman

      LOL Thank you Mistress! I am down for a Tiniest Dick In The World Contest! 🙂

  3. John Avatar

    Mines probably smaller 🫣

  4. Michael Avatar

    I don’t know if it’s the smallest, but it’s definitely the cutest I have seen. Its tender skin is perfect. Really something to be proud of! Please show it whereever you can!

    1. John Greenman Avatar
      John Greenman

      I have quite a few pictures shared here, most of them are under the micropenis category.

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