When It’s Soft It’s Hardly Visible

When It’s Soft It’s Hardly Visible
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This is my flaccid cock, it’s less than an inch long. When it’s hard it’s barely 4 inches. It’s so small that it only just makes it past my flies making it hard to use a urinal, not to mention I’m too embarrassed to whip it out in front of other men.

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3 responses to “When It’s Soft It’s Hardly Visible”

  1. Samantha T.S. Avatar
    Samantha T.S.

    ❤ hot!! Looks like a clit poking out and your balls look like pussy lips

  2. Bottom Avatar

    I have on that dont even stick out when soft, there is nothing there. And hard its just over 2 inchs. I have to sit and pee. Unless i want guys to see it for the humiliation then i go to a urinal and i make sure they get a good look.

  3. Bill Avatar

    I’d love to suck it

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