Thoughts? 🙂

Thoughts? :)
Rate this tiny dick here!
[Total votes: 43 Average: 3]

Me nude and erect, thoughts?

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8 responses to “Thoughts? :)”

  1. Jacaline Avatar

    At least you can use it to pee out of.

  2. Robbotiny Avatar

    I mark you 1 feel free to mark me

  3. Vishpala Avatar

    I had to look twice to see it. Is that hard? What is it? 2 inches? Lol. That’s not even a penis, little man. It barely rates as a clit.

  4. WayBiggerThanYou Avatar

    Where is it?

  5. Laughing At You Avatar
    Laughing At You

    I can’t even see anything!

    I would zoom in if I gave a shit but I don’t. Too small to rate…. that’s a first

  6. Empress Hana Avatar

    I don’t see anything. You literally have no penis – for fuck’s sakes!

  7. Bill Avatar

    Cute tiny penis I’d like to suck it

  8. D.W. Avatar

    I love your hairless body. I’ll bet that you have a nice ass. I’d probably lock your penis up in chastity and make you cater to my every whim for the key. This would include being my submissive bottom. If you’re a good slave, I may consider sucking your dick.

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