The biggest I’ll get

The biggest I’ll get
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[Total votes: 11 Average: 2.5]

Barley 5 in hard.

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6 responses to “The biggest I’ll get”

  1. Laughing at you Avatar
    Laughing at you


  2. Bee Avatar

    What’s with the tide mark? Suprisrised there isn’t a barnacle on it for lack of action!

  3. Jacaline Avatar

    Looks like a chop job to me. Two different peepees that have been in accidents, welded together.

    1. Bee Avatar

      Brilliant! Cut and shut!

  4. Vishpala Avatar

    Weird little pea sized head on a stumpy shaft. WTF? Seriously, how does that nasty thing work? At least when one of you losers has a proper sized head, there’s a chance you might at least tickle a pussy.

  5. Cassie Avatar

    A two tone cock ha ha ha. I can’t stop laughing

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