Soft tiny todge no shower or grower

Soft tiny todge no shower or grower
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Degrade my sissy ass, I want a girl to dominate me and looking at my pecker should be easy to do so since it’s not exactly king Kong.

Hit me with it all, make me cry if you can. I’ll even hook you up with a favour of anything I can do if you degrade me, maybe you want more pics or my ass pic or idk me doing something risky in public. It’s fine if not just trying to challenge myself.

Please note: This is on flop not hard. Though hard ain’t much bigger I just thought I’d provide some soft action for the site. And if you like pathetic well then this is right up your alley.

This pic makes my dick look like a damn tiny todge like a small acorn. Prob an inch or two in the photo.

Can you degrade my ass and make me feel like all these awww it’s cute girls are silly or are you not brutal enough? Be brutal, I’ll appreciate the pain your words can bring

On a serious note thanks for this site you got horny guys like me who love the idea of the service.

No one likes looking at ugly dicks but you do it anyway, for the sake of us pecker holders and that is admirable. Sincerely
A pecker holder


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4 responses to “Soft tiny todge no shower or grower”

  1. Britishxgoddess Avatar

    It looks like a deformed egg on a nest. Tidy up that beast of a jungle you’ve got going on and it may make the pathetic cock look a couple of millimetres bigger. Every little helps

  2. MistressKiara Avatar

    Wooow. I mean, now I GOTTA see what it looks like hard, because DAMN, dickless! Cute it is NOT! It looks like you’ve got a nasty grub growing out of a bush! If you got it lopped off, no one would suspect that you ever had one in the first place.

  3. Mistress Maven Avatar

    Its literally a rosebud… how do you avoid peeing on yourself? You cant sit or stand to piss. YIKES.

  4. Michael Avatar

    It’s such a cute little micro penis but shave, shave, shave! It’ll make a much better impression if you clean up that mess. Such a smooth foreskin really needs more attention. Otherwise it’s a perfect example of a micro penis which can’t be too small. Once you cleaned it up it will be more pleasure for you and us to look at!

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