
Rate this tiny dick here!
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3 responses to “Smallcockexpose”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    There’s this little wrinkly slab of foreskin that’s kind of pointy at the tip and it just looks like your foreskin is sticking out a tongue at Me and that the tongue is also made of foreskin xD

    PS there’s no cock in this pic that I can see?

  2. dave Avatar

    what a fucking ugly flap of skin! It’s like a mosquito sucked all of the liquid out of your penis and left the empty, nasty skin behind. Ugh! Next time you pull your pants down for someone, ask if they want really want to see your soggy pork rind first.

  3. Britishxgoddess Avatar

    Where is the dick?? All I can see is disgusting wrinkly foreskin. What the hell is that sticking out the end??? You know that isn’t normal right?

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