Ready to satisfy Mistress Kiara!

Ready to satisfy Mistress Kiara!
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Stroking my hard cock, thinking about Mistress Kiara purring with pleasure !!

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4 responses to “Ready to satisfy Mistress Kiara!”

  1. KarenB Avatar

    “Ready to satisfy Mistress Kiara”! Are you a comedian or something?
    Apologies for stepping in Kiara but I couldn’t let this arrogant purveyor of such a micro penis suggest he may be able to satisfy you! The shaft below the head is barely bigger than the width of your thumb and you look like you have tiny hands too! Delusional pathetic cock loser time to face the reality of your diminished manhood!

    1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

      he must be a comedian cuz I’m laughing My ass off LOL! I’d have more luck getting off on My own thumb than using that gross little nub!

      1. George Lester Avatar
        George Lester

        What happened to ‘give the lad a chance’?

    2. George Lester Avatar
      George Lester

      Bit harsh

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