Pussy free prejac loser

Pussy free prejac loser
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43 year old high school teacher here, tiny dick, severe premature ejaculator and never touched a real pussy. Twice got close but came immediately after she touched me, then there was only humiliating laughter. Will forever be a useless beta, gave up on pussy, now I’m just addicted to bbc interracial porn and spend all my money on feet models’ content.

I’d love to know what you think Mistress Kiara

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2 responses to “Pussy free prejac loser”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    What do I think of your tiny dick? The truth is, I don’t. I don’t think about your little cock at all because honestly there’s nothing to it. There’s nothing to think about. This dick is so small that it literally just slips My mind every day.

    1. Gabe Avatar

      Thank you for your brutal honesty, such nonchalant dismissal and indifference that even came in 5 second just by reading it. Pathetic enough?

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