my tiny acorn dick

my tiny acorn dick
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[Total votes: 32 Average: 2.8]

I know its useless

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9 responses to “my tiny acorn dick”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    OMG ew! It’s nasty and shriveled too!

  2. Vishpala Avatar

    OMG! What is that tiny wizened, dirty old thing? And those shriveled little nuts…..Oh wow!. Seriously. you may be the owner of the worst “penis” on this site. Keep it hidden, it’s vile.

  3. Laughing At You Avatar
    Laughing At You


    I think it has rotted and it’s about to fall off. That doesn’t explain why it is so small though.

    Hideous ugly little dick. Please put it away!!

  4. Jacaline Avatar

    That is the most ugliest thing I’ve seen on this site. Keep it in your pants.

  5. Chloe Avatar

    It’s disgusting and small. What are you even suppose to do with that thing? Honestly my pinky is bigger than that thing. I could give myself more pleasure with my own pinky than you could ever give me with that miserable little dick… just let that sink in. You useless loser.

    I don’t even want to call it a dick. That’s doing it too much justice.

  6. Robbotiny Avatar

    Can we have a top ten small dick chart

  7. Dickletshamer Avatar

    I think they need a new rating. 1/5 seems too generous.

  8. Cassie Avatar

    That is the worst excuse for a dick I have ever seen. I would have laughed when I first saw it but I was actually sick in my mouth instead.

  9. Bill Avatar

    Nice tiny penis I’d like to suck it

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