My little fat ding dong

My little fat ding dong
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22 years old, a little over 6 ft tall

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pindick Avatar

5 responses to “My little fat ding dong”

  1. Laughing at you Avatar
    Laughing at you

    No bigger than your average thumb.

    Small and thin, terrible penis

  2. Empress Hana Avatar

    I’m glad I never have to experience such a small thing.

    Using your hand doesn’t make it look any better, either! LOL

  3. Jacaline Avatar

    I love the sexy black socks. I am so glad that I don’t have to go anywhere near them or your unimpressive cock. When you let go of it, does it go all floppy?

  4. Robbotiny Avatar

    Bigger that me

  5. Vishpala Avatar

    Wanking with 2 fingers, lol. It isn’t fat – it’s normal thickness. It just looks fat to you, because it’s depressingly stunted.

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