Morning Wood

Morning Wood
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How I wake up every morning.

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pindick Avatar

6 responses to “Morning Wood”

  1. Laughing At You Avatar

    Morning wood?

    I guess technically matchsticks are made of wood. This is more like a splinter from a matchstick.

    Pathetically small and completely useless.

  2. Vishpala Avatar

    Lol! some of the loser dicks on here make me smile. Some make me want to retch. Yours genuinely made me laugh out loud. You have a comedy penis. Full marks for being shaved and showing it hard. But, dear me. Hahaha.

  3. Jacaline Avatar

    Honestly, what would you do with that? Small and irrelevant. It is a nice photo though.

  4. Cassie Avatar

    It’s like a penis but smaller, much much smaller.

  5. John Avatar

    Damn i like it so suckable widh i was as tiny

  6. Bill Avatar

    Such a cute tiny penis I’d like to suck so much

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