Mighty mini me

Mighty mini me
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Shaved and cute.

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3 responses to “Mighty mini me”

  1. KarenB Avatar

    Mini is the least of your problems….that is truly hideous! Gag inducing, nasty, shrivelled, conical thing with a microscopic poking out tip….to be honest I don’t know what that is and truth be told I don’t want to know as it so, so disgusting!

  2. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    Ew, you can’t even call that shaved – you missed a huge spot! I mean, granted it’s right on what you call a ‘shaft’ I’m guessing (though honestly how can you tell with a dick this small???) so I’m sure you just didn’t want to cut it off while shaving and not notice.

    1. Marc S Avatar
      Marc S

      Sorry, my mistress, I used a depilation cream, and didn’t notice this spot when I took the picture, I’ll be more careful next time.

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