Little sissy clitty locked in teeny pink chastity for amusement

Little sissy clitty locked in teeny pink chastity for amusement
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locked useless teeny tiny little sissy clitty. Please comment and make some suggestions if you like. x (curtsy)

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7 responses to “Little sissy clitty locked in teeny pink chastity for amusement”

  1. MistressKiara Avatar

    This is perfect! Tiny dicks DESERVE to be locked indefinitely! As for suggestions, the bow is adorable, but I would love to see some other sissy attire too (panties, thigh highs, garters, etc)

    1. sissy alice Avatar
      sissy alice

      absolutely Ma’am.
      Please may sissy thank you for your precious time and comments.
      your instructions will be an absolute pleasure for sissy to follow.
      thank you so very much xxx

    2. sissy alice Avatar
      sissy alice

      so so very pleased to hear that Ma’am, (curtsy)
      obediently you will have some panties and suspenders pics very soon.
      there is no way to thank you enough. xxxxxx (curtsy)

  2. Ben Avatar

    I miss wearing a cage, there was something so nice about being locked up for days on end, having to live a normal life where nobody knows your dick is locked up!

    1. sissy alice Avatar
      sissy alice

      no more? 🙁

      1. Ben Avatar

        no more for me, my winkie atrophied and is now just a flap of foreskin that will never be erect so I dont need to wear a cage any more!

        1. sissy alice Avatar
          sissy alice

          so so jealous of you:( x

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