Is my wife right?

Is my wife right?
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My wife says that I am hung like a toddler, is she right?

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6 responses to “Is my wife right?”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    xD She is 100% right! That’s not a man dick at all! That’s a widdle baybee peepee

    1. Cathy Avatar

      I totally agree! Looks like he belongs in a diaper!

  2. Wondering Avatar

    Does it grow bigger

  3. Sam Avatar

    I’d stuck the cum out of your balls

  4. Peter Short Avatar
    Peter Short

    I must admit she is right, but I’m not here to make fun as I’m your size or even less,
    I now allow real men to give her pleasure and it has made our marriage even stronger.
    She allows me to watch and masturbate my tiny dicklett for their amusement and my humiliation. Sometimes she wants me to suck it so I don’t forget how small mine is

  5. pantyboy Avatar

    Even though I am bigger than this guy my wife makes me wear panties, I bet he has to wear panties too!

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