Don’t cheat next time

Don’t cheat next time
Rate this tiny dick here!
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His Kik is ****. His real name is *** **** *****. Have fun



This is being posted as an example of what NEVER to do on RMTP or Anywhere.

Apparently somebody thought that posting someone here with a full face and tiny penis, and giving their full name and contact information was a good way to get revenge for something.

This sort of post is illegal and we reported the offending IP Address to their Internet Service Provider. They can expect to hear from the police soon.

We will be forwarding all information (apart from the IP Address) to the person named as well.

Remember: RMTP is NOT a Revenge Site, nor are we here to “out” people. We edit when losers post their full names or other contact information so don’t expect us to tolerate this type of illegal behavior.

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  1. Atex on 11cm

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