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hi… been a while.  Need to post my manly clitty or as my wife puys it, “little worthless dick”. According to her, it’s beyond disgusting. She’s already let everyone know I like cock. I still like her pussy. But she hadn’t let me touch her since she knows that I let other men  use me. She brought a man home. He liked my bra and dark green panty set. He eas nice. She told me to let him fuck me. After I watched her get fucked from the corner of her bedroom. She called me over I did my thing. She drained out into my mouth. I csnt touch her. I just lay there with my hnds at my side snd my open mouth catching her drips of cum from her cum filled puss. I milked the guy back hard.  I turned over and opened my legs. He worked his vock ontk md nd oy felt teslly goooood. She began to humiliate me. She doesn’t love me anymore.



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  1. Liv on Tiny
  2. Liv on David

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