belongs in diapers

belongs in diapers
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a kind girl i know once told me that my minute dick belongs in diapers. i took her advice

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3 responses to “belongs in diapers”

  1. Dylan Gramstad Avatar
    Dylan Gramstad

    This photo is cute ❤

  2. Jared Dee Avatar
    Jared Dee

    She is right. When its that small, you need to consider going right back into disposable diapers permanently. Its for the best, and once you get used to being back in diapers, which can take a very long time, and have accepted them, you will realize you are much better off.

    1. Jared Dee Avatar
      Jared Dee

      It is no ones fault. Its just how it is. Also remember, no pubic hair. Pubic hair is for grown men with normal developed penises, not you. Stay shaved, stay in diapers, do the right thing.

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