A cold morning…

A cold morning…
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It was a little cold this morning so I was a little shriveled😓

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2 responses to “A cold morning…”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    Even if it was cold, I’m sure your dick is ALWAYS sad, tiny, and shriveled…

  2. Michael Avatar

    “It was a little cold this morning so I was a little shriveled”: This is a rather stupid excuse and every time I hear something like “cold” I know it’s always like that. What you got is a perfect micro penis, tiny and cute. Simply accept it and be proud of it. It’s hard to deny a fact. Get your satisfaction from knowing that you have a micro penis and from putting it on display rather than dreaming of a real penis. Most micro penis owners cherish their little members and wouldn’t want to miss it any more. They are special and much better than a standard four inch dick.

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