Cali In Pink

Cali In Pink
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While my wife’s is away on business, I wear her clothes. I luv wearing her pink lingerie. There is something about putting on women’s clothing. I know from doing it that it puts you in a different mood and it dares you to try different and scary things. I know I have a little gurl inside me that yearns to get out at times. I use to be afraid of her because she wants to let everyone know that I’m a homosexual. She doesn’t care. I’ve been out at night dressed as a woman going to different gay clubs in town. Do I get men? Yes. And they treat me like a woman taking my feminine clothes off of me slowly as we kiss, saying that I have an  adorable little clitty as I open my legs for him to see all that I don’t have.

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3 responses to “Cali In Pink”

  1. Sam Avatar

    I want to lick that ass hole

    1. Cali Avatar

      Would luv you to and more…;)

  2. Jenny Avatar

    I wanna lick your asshole so bad. Then suck you until you cum.

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