love to be rated

love to be rated
Rate this tiny dick here!
[Total votes: 10 Average: 1.4]

just laugh at me

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pindick Avatar

4 responses to “love to be rated”

  1. Laughing At You Avatar

    2.5 inches and ugly. You have no hope of ever gaving sex with a girl.

    The shrivelled skin and disgusting hair can be remedied. Sort it out immediately!

  2. Jacaline Avatar

    I can`t see that small thing pleasing any woman. You could help the situation by trimming your hair.

  3. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    I LOVE comparison pics, especially when we can put a number to just how truly pathetic you are xD

  4. Vishpala Avatar

    2.5 inches of pure pleasure! Lol. Looks like its shriveling away from lack of use.

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