His he small or normal?

His he small or normal?
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Only 8,61 cm long!!!

  • …is it a normal lengh???

or His he

  • classify in small Dick???

Thanks for answering me…give me your comment!

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3 responses to “His he small or normal?”

  1. Ash Avatar

    If that measurements done when soft I’d say you’re normal, I’m about 10 or 11cm at my softest (about 17cm when I’m hard) and that’s on the higher end of uk average but I understand your insecurity as I feel inadequate myself, you might not be a size queens satisfier but if you’re a grower not a shower then don’t sweat it. You are bigger than most on here and some of them can’t match you for length even at their hardest (nothing more than a fat clit in some cases😂)

    1. jh Avatar

      Yea..I’m 6cm at my hardest, about the same thickness as op…

  2. Tinypenisuk Avatar

    Nice smooth cock…I would say normal size..I’m 220lbs and 6’1 I have a tiny soft smooth penis about an inch and three quarters and just a little over four hard..

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