What do you call this?

What do you call this?
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[Total votes: 11 Average: 3.9]

What do you call this?

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6 responses to “What do you call this?”

  1. No one Avatar
    No one

    This penis is so pathetic nobody wants to comment…

  2. Shelly Avatar

    Where is your balls? Shave that thing you call a penis before you show it to anyone. Never mind to a lady. Is there even a dick in there? You won’t even be able to touch me with that yuck

  3. andyj Avatar


  4. Cali Avatar

    I think it’s adorable! Never mind the mean, insensitive,
    and callused remarks. They don’t know what us sissies go through.

    1. D.W. Avatar

      Usually when we’re nice, you sissies don’t like that either. There has to be an acceptable level of mean in order to keep some of you wanting more. Otherwise, you’ll be getting together with some other guy regardless of how big our dicks are. What’s laughable are those who think that they can do better than me and years later, they’re still single. Guess my big bopper wasn’t so bad after all. Funny, you all don’t seem to care about or understand what we go through either. That empathy thing works both ways, sunshine. I would be able to rate this penis better if I could see it fully erect. For all we know, it might be a grower and not a shower.

  5. D.W. Avatar

    Truthfully, I’d be able to give this a better visual rating if I could see it fully erect. Seeing your dick in the flaccid position leaves much to be desired.

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