Tiny shriveled shrub

Tiny shriveled shrub
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This is my penis I’m a premature ejeculatur I’m a 30 year old  virgin the longest I have ever been able to masturbate for is 15 seconds until i came it is a half inch and this is all the hair I have ever  grown and my penis in my whole life hasn’t gotten erect

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pindick Avatar

8 responses to “Tiny shriveled shrub”

  1. Laughing at you Avatar
    Laughing at you

    That’s the funniest little thing I’ve ever seen in my life

  2. Vishpala Avatar

    You’re a virgin because you haven’t been with anyone? Or because you can’t fuck anyone, because you don’t actually have a cock? Now that I’ve stopped laughing, dickless, I’m starting to feel sorry for you.

  3. Jacaline Avatar

    Lose weight – gain dick.
    Or join a religious order, make a vow of chastity and give up sex for the rest of your life. It would be no great loss.

  4. Empress Hana Avatar

    It’s a second belly button! Another innie, with a pudge underneath. LOL

  5. Pindick Avatar

    I didn’t uses to be fat but it was only 1.25 my first girlfriend laughed when I whipped it out

  6. Kendra Avatar

    It is funny how you say the longest I have ever masturbated instead of lasted in bed because if that is as big as it gets you should just put in clit

  7. Nick Avatar

    Where’s your dick! Is this some kind of joke? How do you pee????

  8. MistressKiara Avatar

    Ew! That nasty little dick is nowhere NEAR as hot as a pussy! Keep dreaming, sissy bitch!

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