rate my tiny cuckold dick

rate my tiny cuckold dick



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[Total votes: 46 Average: 2.4]

please rate my limp loser sissy dicklet pindick

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3 responses to “rate my tiny cuckold dick”

  1. Mistress Kiara Avatar

    I think I know why they didn’t circumcise you when you were a minute – they thought you were a girl and that your nasty pindick foreskin was just a clit hood LOL!

    1. Jacaline Avatar

      LOL Kiara
      If I was married to him I would sure go out and find a real man with a real dick to ride.

  2. Ashley Avatar

    Omg. I didn’t believe it when he told me he had it on the site or that this site even really did exist haha that’s so hilarious and knowing he can’t get hard makes it even better for me. Forever useless and not a man Thanks to whoever did it

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