Inverted micro penis

Inverted micro penis
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1/4″ of nothingness.

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2 responses to “Inverted micro penis”

  1. Bill Avatar

    Cute tiny penis I’d like to suck on it

  2. Michael Avatar

    “1/4″ of nothingness”??? I don’t understand what you mean. This is an almost perfect micro penis. It must be as small as possible and 1/4″ is a top score for a micro penis. Better still if it is completely hidden but those are the champions among micro penis owners. However, a micro penis needs a lot of care, it must be completely shaved and oiled and given its daily attention. Yours seems to be kind of wild which is very unfortunate. Don’t forget that micro penises are not intended for sexual activities of any kind but are meant to be shown. Most micro penis owners love to put their little member on display. Just be proud of it!

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