I think it’s time to quit going for girls with this Clitty

I think it’s time to quit going for girls with this Clitty

Sissy Clitty


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I’m blown away at how small my Clitty is with no hormones. I keep getting dumped and laughed at by women so I bought dildos and watched hypno and stuck them as deep inside me as they’ll go until I cum, now my asshole is gaping and my Clitty looks like this all the time, small and shriveled up, no woman would touch it if they were paid to. I need to fuck men full time. What do you think?

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2 responses to “I think it’s time to quit going for girls with this Clitty”

  1. D.W. Avatar

    To me, your body is grotesque and disgusting. Your penis if you can even call it that makes your balls look huge and believe me, that’s not a compliment. I can see why you’ve been dumped and laughed at by women. If you’re looking to have men fuck you all the time, I’d start by losing some weight and shaving off that body hair because you look like Grizzly Adams.

  2. Big Mike Avatar
    Big Mike

    With that acorn button clit, you’re better off becoming a fuck toy for real men that haven’t jacked off their dick into oblivion and are 8 inches or more so you can really feel it in your stomach. I would buy clothes or panties or something, I know girls everywhere are cheering not having to deal with that little thing. Loser Clitty

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