Haven’t had sex in 2 years even though I Live with GF

Haven’t had sex in 2 years even though I Live with GF

Bitch Clitty


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That’s right, it’s been over two years since this “dick” has seen any pussy DESPITE the fact that I have lived with a woman for that entire time. I need brutal honesty on how you would react to this being your “dick” you get to fuck. I have a bitch clit.

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2 responses to “Haven’t had sex in 2 years even though I Live with GF”

  1. Brenda Avatar

    That poor woman. I hope she gets to watch when some real alpha male with a cock that’s actually bigger than a couple inches hard, fucks the man out of your forever leaving that pathetic little Clitty unable to get hard again or bother any other woman ever again. Get fucked by a real man with a large cock immediately, hun.

  2. Master D.W. Avatar
    Master D.W.

    Funny how Brenda mentioned what she did because it just so happens that I’m a real alpha male with a cock that’s way bigger than however big your frightened turtle gets when it’s hard. Unlike most turtles, I can’t see yours winning a race anytime soon. I’d be more interested in fucking your girlfriend until she squirts like a broken brake line. Other guys probably have already anyway. I want to watch you all tied up, gagged and crying like the little wimp that you are. Any muffled lip and I’ll wail your ass with my belt until you’re not able to sit back down for a while.

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