Pegging the pig

Pegging the pig
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I am a very broken and damaged ma… er, uhm, a very broken and damaged pig. I know I am not a man. I appear to be a man on the outside, but on the inside I am an empty, hollow, abysmal creature who couldn’t really be considered human. Because humans have souls and I know that I have no soul whatsoever. Humans can truly love but I am incapable of loving anyone. My Wife always knows Iam a fucking daft imbecile. I am not as attractive as I think I am and have no muscle tone.
The one activity I excel is oral sex. So much so, that my wife has often grown tired of me constantly trying to put his tongue on her and she wished that I would do other things with it, like kiss her more or even have an intelligent conversation with her. I have to be great at eating pussy, because I have a tiny tiddler. Because of my over inflated ego, I consider everything a misunderstanding on my wife’s part as she is irrational sometimes and acts in haste.

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2 responses to “Pegging the pig”

  1. Pig Avatar

    Well, i must say i know somewhat of how you feel. My penis is even smaller than yours. I also have no balls. She made me have them removed. It looks like i have a pussy between my legs. Because of the tiny penis and no balls it looks just like a woman. I wear panties only. She brings guys home to slam fuck me. I am forced to eat her out after men cum inside her. I am useless to any woman. I like the way i am treated now. Humiliated, degraded, publicly humiliated. Some things are very painful and i am pimped out. Im a pig, her pig.

  2. 3 inch Avatar
    3 inch

    I thought I was small but you take small to new levels.. I’m embarrassed for you, you’ve definitely made the right choice by keeping that shriveled pin dick under lock and key. Now just throw away the key

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