Locked in chastity cage

Locked in chastity cage
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Me in chastity cage

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7 responses to “Locked in chastity cage”

  1. KarenB Avatar

    That is revolting!! I am having trouble stopping myself gagging! Can’t you find a chastity cage that hides the whole lot from view to spare us that disgusting little cock and balls combo!

    1. Don Avatar

      I would love to have you send me one and I’ll wear it for you and you can send the lock and keep the keys I would definitely put it on for you. What do you think. Would you like that.

      1. KarenB Avatar

        OMG! I looked at your reply to Kiara and thought WHAT A TWO-FACED LYING LITTLE SHIT! Maybe we should both have keys and then that stunted little nub will never escape from the cage! Your cock will shrivel in hell if that is physically possible! Shame on you, Don, you fat blob stump cock of a man!

        1. Don Avatar

          I’m sorry I would love to send you my keys if you want me to would you like me to do that

          1. Don Avatar

            Karen b do you want to take control of my little dick and keep it in chastity cage I think you do let me know

  2. MistressKiara Avatar

    Small dick pics in chastity are the best! That is where your tiny penis BELONGS! Swallow the key, throw it out, melt it down, NEVER let that tiny, sad, pathetic excuse for a dick out again!

    1. Don Avatar

      Thank you mistresskiara I wish you would be my key holder

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